We started off in late 2024 in our garage, like all the great startups that defined the tech revolution that came before us. Coming from the same humble beginning, we are an unusual duo of a seasoned software engineer and an adept administrator with a background in tech as well as social work. We believe in making a difference with our tech, and we are willing to go the extra mile to prove it.
Company Timeline
The Unfolding Company Timeline
June 2024Company Established
The Ideation
We identified the need for bots in modern businesses and made it our priority to fulfill the needs of millions of businesses, because, if not us, who else!
September 2024Company Established
Company Established
Our humble beginning at our home, with nothing more than an idea that can revolutionize the lives of Indians. The struggle, the hustle, and the hope for the best.
April 2022Product Development
Product Development
We develop the product step by step, day by day, while working on side gigs to make ends meet. The story still continues.
Our Company Mission & Values
We are strongly committed to three things – adding value to each and every client of ours, helping empower the micro-scale entrepreneurs in India by integrating technology into their lives like never before, and fostering a strong sense of community. These values drive all our work and all our business decisions. Our product is designed to help even the smallest of entrepreneurs in India to make the most of modern technology. Our technology will empower millions of small business owners an cottage industries of our country. And finally, by bringing together the people from all walks of life as bot creators, designers, and users, we wish to drive innovation and empowerment like never before.
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